Laugh Masters Academy > Team
LMA House Team Auditions – Term 4, 2016
LMA House Team Auditions - Term 4, 2016 Laugh-Masters Academy is inviting Students to audition for spots on Official LMA Improv House Teams. House Teams will be given opportunities to regularly perform on stage at The Factory Theatre, The Belvoir Theatre, and other venues, as well as, participate in official LMA events, represent LMA in the wider Improv [...]
LMA Announces “The Draft”
LMA Announces "The Draft" The Draft is how we reward students with perfect attendance and promptness. It’s really simple: If you have a 100% class attendance record and are never late, you will get to play with the Teachers on stage at the end of term Gold Coin Comedy Show. Which is kind of a [...]
Belvoir St. Theatre ,
Class ,
Classes ,
Comedy ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
On-Time ,
Performance ,
Promptness ,
Shows ,
Team ,
The Draft ,
LMA House Team Auditions – Term 2, 2016
LMA House Team Auditions - Term 2, 2016 Laugh-Masters Academy is inviting Students & Teachers to audition for several new Official LMA Improv Teams, known as House Teams. House Teams will be given opportunities to regularly perform on stage at The Belvoir Theatre (and other venues), participate in official LMA events, represent LMA in the [...]
LMA House Team Auditions for 2016
LMA House Team Auditions for 2016 Laugh-Masters Academy is inviting Students & Teachers to audition for several new Official LMA Improv Teams, known as House Teams. House Teams will be given opportunities to regularly perform on stage at The Belvoir Theatre (and other venues), participate in official LMA events, represent LMA in the wider Improv [...]
Student Blog: Dear Someone Who is Thinking About Trying Improv, But Isn’t Quite Sure…
Student Blog: Dear Someone Who is Thinking About Trying Improv, But Isn’t Quite Sure... Dear Someone who is thinking about trying improv but isn’t quite sure, Hi. My name is Nish. I’m not originally from a drama or comedy background, or really anything that’s required me to be on stage. In fact, I used to be a [...]