March 2017
Josh Magee Joins the LMA Roster
Josh Magee Joins the LMA Roster LMA is thrilled to announce the addition of Josh Magee to our ever expanding roster of Teacher talent. Josh will begin teaching Improv Level 1 starting in Term 2, 2017. Josh has been active on the scene for many years and some of you may recognise him from his [...]
Ryan Karels (UCB NYC) Workshops at LMA
Ryan Karels (UCB NYC) Workshops at LMA LMA is thrilled to announce that Ryan Karels is coming from UCB New York to teach classes and workshops during Term 2, 2017. In addition to teaching our regular term Level 2 and 3 classes, Ryan will also be running multiple (and different) weekend workshops in both Sydney and [...]
Apply the Concepts of Improv to Your Daily Life
Apply the Concepts of Improv to Your Daily Life We're excited to see (hear?) out good friend in New York, and Founder of Magnet Theater, Ed Herbstman on this lovely podcast. This week on The Upgrade we’re going off-script and talking about improvisational comedy. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a comedic or theatrical person [...]
Announcing the LMAy PartAy!
Announcing the LMAy PartAy! You know what's awesome? Us. And by "us" we mean you. You and everyone else who has jumped in and joined this crazy, comedic and cross-cultural community we've created. We think it's amazing and special and lovely and we want to celebrate it with crazy costumes, good music and bad dancing. So [...]
How Comedy Helps Me Live A Better Life!
How Comedy Helps Me Live A Better Life! Hi all, first let me introduce myself. My name is Jasmine Langdon and I'm Laugh-Masters Academy’s current Social Media Coordinator, an improviser, former stand-up comic and a cancer fighter. Yes you read that last part right. I have cancer and not one that's easy to get rid of. [...]
Classes ,
Comedian ,
Comedy ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
Sketch Comedy Writing ,
writing ,
Just Say “No!” to Trust Falls
Just Say "No!" to Trust Falls LMA Training recently sent a team of our Improv for Business Facilitators to the Blue Mountains for a 70 person corporate training workshop with M&C Saatchi and some of their lovely clients. We said “no” to trust falls and still landed on our feet. LMA Training joined M&C Saatchi [...]