July 2016
What Vanilla Ice Didn’t Tell You About Agile/Lean Methods
What Vanilla Ice Didn’t Tell You About Agile/Lean Methods I have been working in the IT Industry for over a decade and in that time we have seen massive changes in how people are approaching how work gets done, people at all levels are collaborating in entirely new ways. From processes and practices thought up [...]
Chicago Style Longform ,
Class ,
Classes ,
Comedy ,
Corporate Training ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
Instructor ,
Level 1 ,
Level 2 ,
Level 3 ,
Level 4 ,
Melbourne ,
Pavatich ,
Training ,
Workshops ,
First Fridays at The Factory Monthly Comedy Show
First Fridays at The Factory Monthly Comedy Show LMA is pleased to announce a new, ongoing relationship with The Factory Theatre in Marrickville, NSW (Sydney). Starting August 5th, 2016 LMA will begin its first regularly scheduled* improv and sketch comedy show - "First Fridays at The Factory" which, as you can probably guess, will be [...]
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Improv Class
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Improv Class It's the start of a new term, and that means you're about to be walking into a room ready for some make-'em-ups with a batch of new (and some known) faces. Here's some tips for getting the most out of your class, whether it's the [...]
Chicago Style Longform ,
Class ,
Classes ,
Comedy ,
Corporate Training ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
Instructor ,
Level 1 ,
Level 2 ,
Level 3 ,
Level 4 ,
Melbourne ,
Pavatich ,
Training ,
Workshops ,
Improv Photos from the July 15 Blue Note Show!
Improv Photos from the July 15 Blue Note Show! On Friday night we had the LMA’s first Blue Note Comedy Night! - Student Showcase, an evening of amazing comedy featuring a fantastic lineup of Australia’s rising improv and sketch comedy All-Stars. This special evening consisted of LMA's own Practice Team "Shut Up Darryl!", Sketch Team "The Pursuit [...]
Belvoir St. Theatre ,
Comedy ,
Improv ,
improv classes ,
Jam ,
photos ,
shut up darryl ,
Sketch ,
Sydney ,
the pursuit of happiness ,
the surry hillbillies ,
Training ,
UCB Founders Charlie Rose Interview
UCB Founders Charlie Rose Interview As you may already know the DCM (Del Close Marathon) is happening at UCB in New York City right now (late June, 2016) and the four famous founders of UCB were recently interviewed on Charlie Rose. It's a fantastic piece touching on the origin story of improv and UCB, the [...]
Chicago Style Longform ,
Comedy ,
Del Close ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
Marathon ,
Sketch Comedy Writing ,