June 2014
Special Guest Instructor: Rob Belushi
Special Guest Instructor: Rob Belushi LMA is super stoked to have Rob on the roster and we can't wait to get him down under to run some world-class workshops. In the meantime, you'll have to settle for these low quality, but high value interviews we did over Skype. Robert Belushi was born in Chicago, where [...]
Musical Improv: A Chat with Robot Teammate & The Accidental Party
Musical Improv: A Chat with Robot Teammate & The Accidental Party Robot Teammate and The Accidental Party is a musical improv comedy troupe based in Los Angeles, CA, which creates spontaneous narrative musicals based solely on an audience suggestion of a Title. The team recently completed a World Record-setting 86-week cage match run in the Cherry Crush [...]
Comedy ,
Impro ,
Improv ,
Improvisation ,
Music ,
Musical Improv ,
Party ,
Robot ,
Training ,
Workshops ,