Improv & Sketch comedy news from LMA and around the world
Laugh Masters Academy > Clown
We’re all Usefool: A Tiny Reflection on Clowning
This is one of my all time fave quotes and moments in a film. It sums up for me the profound sentiment I have following a clown workshop…
When Was the Last Time You Played?
When Was the Last Time You Played? My first introduction to clown and physical comedy was in New York with Virginia Scott. But it wasn’t until later on during my second year in Paris studying at Jacques Lecoq that I experienced the fundamental joy and benefits of this ancient playful art. At the heart of [...]
Class Clown Kimberley Twiner Joins the LMA Roster
Class Clown Kimberley Twiner Joins the LMA Roster LMA is thrilled to announce the addition of Kimberly Twiner to our growing roster of talented teachers. Kimberly will be teaching Clown, Improv and Physical Comedy at LMA Melbourne starting in Term 1, 2017. I am delighted to be working with LMA in 2017, especially since sharing the seriously ridiculous world [...]
What’s Clown Got to do With It?
What’s Clown Got to do With It? We all want to be more authentic and present. But how does one harness these qualities? Whether in everyday life, or as an actor playing a character on stage or screen, we are always striving to reach this wonderful ideal. Words and phrases like ‘letting go’, ‘letting our guard down’, [...]
Alicia Gonzalez Joins the LMA Roster
Alicia Gonzalez Joins the LMA Roster Laugh-Masters Academy is thrilled to welcome Alicia Gonzalez to the LMA family. She will begin teaching Clown & Improv in Sydney starting Term 4, 2016. Alicia Gonzalez is a practicing clown and bouffon. She trained in Paris, France, at Lecoq with the likes of funny man Jos Houben, she [...]