February 2017
When Was the Last Time You Played?
When Was the Last Time You Played? My first introduction to clown and physical comedy was in New York with Virginia Scott. But it wasn’t until later on during my second year in Paris studying at Jacques Lecoq that I experienced the fundamental joy and benefits of this ancient playful art. At the heart of [...]
Elliot’s Improv Journey
Elliot's Improv Journey Why Improv? My improv journey started when I was living in Chicago, Illinois, had just dropped out of Graduate School where I was pursuing a Masters of Architecture and was working in the planning department of a major University. I didn’t like my job that much and didn’t know what I was [...]
That First Step Makes All the Difference.
That First Step Makes All the Difference. Ever wonder what it takes to be funny on the spot but scared that it's too hard? If you are nervous and would like to dip your toes in and see if it's for you LMA have regular FREE introduction to improv classes on the second Saturday of [...]