Laugh Masters Academy > Teachers
Review: Summer Improv Intensive at the Annoyance Theatre
Our TA Tony Spirovski shares his recent experience at The Annoyance in Chicago
Annoyance Theatre ,
Chicago Style Longform ,
Classes ,
Comedy ,
Improv ,
Intensive Course ,
Sydney ,
Teachers ,
Tony Spirovski ,
Nervous Student to Confident Teacher
A once anxious student had her life completely turned around because of improv. And it all started with a flyer.
Amanda Hood ,
Chicago Style Longform ,
Classes ,
Comedy ,
Improv ,
Sydney ,
Teachers ,
Unplanned Melodies ,
Josh Magee Joins the LMA Roster
Josh Magee Joins the LMA Roster LMA is thrilled to announce the addition of Josh Magee to our ever expanding roster of Teacher talent. Josh will begin teaching Improv Level 1 starting in Term 2, 2017. Josh has been active on the scene for many years and some of you may recognise him from his [...]
Elliot’s Improv Journey
Elliot's Improv Journey Why Improv? My improv journey started when I was living in Chicago, Illinois, had just dropped out of Graduate School where I was pursuing a Masters of Architecture and was working in the planning department of a major University. I didn’t like my job that much and didn’t know what I was [...]